Writing Journal


This week has been totally mad for writing, I’ve been crazy busy, chipping away at the total every day and I’m now so close to beating my first ever NaNoWriMo – it’s all very exciting.

My writing itself has taken a bit of an unexpected turn. My two main characters are now turning in to explorations of my own mind, in terms of mental health, sexuality and relationships. It’s interesting, but at the same time massively freaky to confront some stuff that is really massive for me. Even if the writing itself turns out as junk, it will have been worth doing just to explore my own mind.

As I said I am dangerously close to beating Nano. If you keep in all the planning for final chapters then I’ve already beaten it, but if you remove them I am sitting atĀ exactly 48,000 (which was intentional I’m afraid). So I should beat the challenge by the end of the week, preferably by tomorrow if I’m lucky.

Anyway, here’s my updated stats.


Writing Journal


I’m a little late in writing this, but oh well, I’m sure you can forgive me.

This week has beenĀ crazy productive for my writing. I am, mercifully, still way ahead of my required word count, and chapters keep getting added as I go – hopefully the rest will all be fairly short to balance things out.

My writing content seems to be taking a very unexpected approach. Chapter 6 took a really deep emotional turn for me, as I found myself writing a romance and exploring a lot of themes to do with mental health and physical intimacy. The chapter I wrote today, was frankly harrowing, and I’m going to need to get someone to check it through to make sure it’s not grossly inappropriate. Big issues keep coming up, and it’s a little scary.

Anyway, here are my stats for the week.


Writing Journal


So week 1 of NaNoWriMo 2018 is over and it’s been awesome.

The first two days I had no computer, so I did no writing what-so-ever. Fortunately, I’d already written about 2.5k in planning, so it didn’t take much effort to catch up on day 3.

Since then, I have been managing to keep up with the pace – 1667 words a day – and I’m really pleased, especially considering that I struggled with 500 a day during September! I’ve even managed to doĀ more than that the last couple of days.

Finally, I wrote a first-draft of a short story, based on a queer bookish fantasy, which you can read here:Ā Short Story: SHE (Draft)

Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep the pace for next week. Anyway, here are my stats for the week.


Writing Journal


If you have found your way to my little blog, then you are probably at leastĀ fairly bookish, and I you probably know what next month means. But if you don’t I’ll briefly explain.

It’s #NaNoWriMo2018 somebodies!

If you don’t know what that that means, it stands forĀ NationalĀ NovelĀ WritingĀ Month! Where writers from across the spectrum go hell-for-leather and try to turn out a first draft of a brand new story – 50,000 words in the course of a month. It’s CRAZY, so obviously I’d be stupid not to try, right?

As such, I thought I’d make a little writing journal as I go along.

So anyway, here’s a little bit of info about the story I’m working on!

Check out this smexy front cover I made!

Tennessee is living out of his car. He’s got no money, no job, no friends and no hope. Then he takes a phone call that changes his life for ever. A delivery goes horrible, catastrophically wrong and Tennessee finds himself running from the law, and captured by a suspicious group who have mistaken him for his twin brother.

What follows is a tale of magic, murder and mayhem. It will hopefully be action packed and most importantlyĀ allĀ kinds of queer!

So we’ll see how that goes.

Anyway, you can keep track of my progress here:Ā Link to nanowrimo.orgĀ – if you’re thinking of taking the challenge yourself, add me as a buddy (I’m on as RagdollReads), I’d love some encouragement and competition!