2020 – New Year, Same Old Me

Well nobody, it’s officially 2020. A new year, a new decade. I know technically it’s the 2nd right now (2:38am to be exact) but I’ve not been to bed yet so as far as I’m concerned it’s still January 1st, and therefore this still counts as my ‘first day of the year post’ and to heck with anyone who says otherwise.

I didn’t post much last year and I’ll tell you for why. It took me months to get over last holiday season – I don’t do big family get-togethers, or most other kinds to be honest. I struggle with crowds and noise and stress and all that other fun stuff. While I was recovering, I started listening to lots of audio-books. Mostly Discworld (Terry Pratchett) and Star Wars (Various) books, which while incredibly entertaining, are not the kind of thing I usually review.  Problem was I then didn’t read much other stuff and the handful of reviews I did write I didn’t like so I just stopped updating. So that’s why I didn’t post much.

HOWEVER, since then I’ve moved house! I’m living with friends instead of at home and woah boy is it doing me the world of good. I mean I’m scared a lot of the time but I’m not half as stressed and I love waking up and having my friends right here around me. I’m also back in Norfolk, the place of my birth, and that’s doing me a hell of a lot of good too.

So yeah, I’m going to try and update at least a little every so often. I’m doing a few different things at the moment. I’m writing a book – in theory anyway. I’m learning the piano. I’m trying to get back into reading things I’ve never heard of. In that spirit, I’ve picked up a book I never heard of:

I’m planning to read and review this as my first review of the year and try and build from there. I’ve also got my eyes on a few other books so hopefully it’ll keep me busy.


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